Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll find the answers you’re looking for in our Frequently Asked Questions section. From technical issues to billing questions, we provide easy-to-understand explanations and helpful tips.

Enjoy 20,000+ live TV channels and an incredible VOD library with 180,000+ movies, series, and shows from around the world. Watch your favorite sports, news, and NFL games in stunning quality, with no buffering or interruptions.

Access international and local channels from the UK, US, France, Spain, and many other European, African, North & South American, and Asian countries—all in one seamless streaming experience!

Don’t miss out! Subscribe today and transform the way you watch TV!

Please note that with the exception of MAG devices, a subscription can be used on multiple devices, but you can only watch on one device at a time.

The subscription starts to be active from the moment you receive your activation credentials by email.
Example: Marcos subscribed for 3 months on February 1st at 01:00 and received his activation credentials on February 2nd at 01:15. David's subscription will be active from February 2nd at 01:15 for the next 3 months.

We have a 7-day refund policy. If you are not satisfied with the service, you can request a refund at any time. We will refund you within seven days.

We accept PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Skrill, Neteller, Webmoney, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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